
ALTIS International School

Digital Media Policy

ALTIS has a unique opportunity to help students fully develop in all areas of their lives.

How you represent yourself online is an extension of yourself. It is the school’s responsibility, in cooperation with parents, to protect students in and out of the classroom. As such, a student’s enrollment status may be impacted by the student’s failure to comply with this policy.

Observing the following guidelines can help our students practice self-control, improve time management, and respect thought diversity:

  1. All digital media platform contents, whether public or private, become a permanent addition to a student’s digital footprint and may be reviewed by school administration.
  2. While it is acceptable to disagree with someone else’s opinions, always do so in a respectful manner. Criticism should always be constructive, not hurtful. Statements that directly malign students, other parents/guardians, faculty/staff, or the school are inappropriate. What is deemed inappropriate in the classroom is also inappropriate online.
  3. Before linking to other websites or articles, read the entire content to ensure that the information is appropriate for a school setting.
  4. Be aware that pictures, videos, songs, and audio clips may also be protected under copyright laws. Verify that you have permission to use digital media.
  5. Demonstrate respect for yourself and others by refraining from:
    – Posting inappropriate images,
    – Using profanities or violent language,
    – Gossiping,
    – Making mean-spirited comments,
    – Using a false identity,
    – Mocking or shaming others,
    – Bullying,
    – Engaging in any other behavior that causes emotional harm or distress.
    – School personnel should be notified if online material created by a currently enrolled student is found to be inappropriate or threatening. School personnel have a legal obligation to report activities that are illegal and/or harmful.
  6. While the rights of individual viewpoints are respected, the expectation is that students will practice and model moral and ethical behavior reflective of the Christian worldview.